
Did you know you can make over £37k a year without paying tax?

Did you know you can make over £37k a year without paying tax?

Up until 5th April when the Government abolished the 10% tax credit on dividends in favour of a new £5,000 allowance, it was easy to earn £37,000 a year without paying [...]

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What I want out of #NewryHour

What I want out of #NewryHour

In the past couple of years, the local business communities in Ireland have ramped up their engagement with other businesses on Twitter. There are numerous hashtags for n[...]

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Boaty McBoatface is too good an opportunity to pass on

Boaty McBoatface is too good an opportunity to pass on

It’s official. Boaty McBoatface has topped the polls in a public vote to name the new £200m artic explorer. However, after receiving almost 125,000 votes, it appea[...]

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Newry Market being put to good use

Newry Market being put to good use

A few years ago I wrote a piece about how I felt we could help save the Cathedral and Creamery Quarters in Newry. Among the suggestions I had were making the most of Newr[...]

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Minimum wage increase on 1st April will cost employers almost £1,200 extra per employee

Minimum wage increase on 1st April will cost employers almost £1,200 extra per employee

From the 1st April, the National Minimum Wage for employees aged 25 or over increases from £6.70 per hour (the current rate for all employees aged 21 or over) to £7.20[...]

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Tax breaks for employees
Income Tax

Tax breaks for employees

.Over the past couple of years, you have no doubt seen companies advertising that they will reclaim tax for you if you had to pay for uniforms for work, or spent money tr[...]

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Tax return submitted? Time to start planning for next year’s.
Income Tax

Tax return submitted? Time to start planning for next year’s.

So another 31st January deadline has been and passed. Your tax return is filed and the whole subject of tax can be ignored for another year. Well, not quite. There are qu[...]

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The case for a Reduced Rate of VAT for Hospitality & Tourism

The case for a Reduced Rate of VAT for Hospitality & Tourism

In the 41 years since VAT was introduced, it has gone from gone from raising £1.5bn per annum to over £100bn. In 1973, upon its introduction, it was set at 10% and now [...]

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How can we save the Cathedral & Creamery Quarters?

How can we save the Cathedral & Creamery Quarters?

Since the onset of the recession, high streets across the country have struggled to keep tenants. From the loss of “the big guys” such as Woolworths, JJB Spor[...]

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